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30g Raw Propolis

30g Raw Propolis

SKU: 30grawprop

Propolis is a resinous substance bees use to glue together parts of the hive, fill cracks, and cover across internal surfaces of the hive. Propolis has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that bees use to help protect from disease and pests within the hive. It is made by bees mixing plant resins with small amounts of beeswax, honey, various solids, and other ingredients. The resinous propolis is sticky and malleable when warm, but solidifies as it cools forming a very useful glue and crack filler for the bees. It is also waterproof and does not dissolve in prolonged exposure to water.


Raw propolis is extracted from the hives when it accumulates on surfaces within the hive. This is a completely raw product which may include some bits and pieces from the hive such as parts of bees, traces of pollen and wax, various insects entombed by the bees, and even scrapings of wood from the hive as the propolis is scraped out. At times this propolis may have been warmed during handling and work in the bee yard, causing it to melt/mould into clumps. These are all very normal for raw propolis direct from the beehive.


Propolis is used in a wide variety of products for its medicinal properties such as creams, ointments, lotions, soaps, and tinctures. It has been used in traditional medicine and herbalism for many centuries to treat wounds, skin conditions, and some illnesses.


If you are interested in raw propolis please contact us as it is always in limited supply subject to our ability to obtain it in reasonable quantities from hives during regular inspections.

    30 Grams
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