Every time you use your smoker, resin and tar build up. Eventually, the smoker no longer works efficiently and it can become difficult to light and keep smoking.
Here is my simple process that takes almost all the effort out of this essential job.
Step 1: Check how dirty your smoker is, perhaps it's good for a little while yet and all it needs is a quick clean of the spout and trivet.
This old Beeco definitely could do with a clean!
Step 2: If your smoker is truly gummed up, like the Beeco above, then proceed to step 3
Step 3: You need to get your smoker HOT! Hot enough to begin to char the resin and tar that has accumulated.
Use a butane or other gas-fuelled torch to heat the smoker to a very hot temperature. This will liquify and char the resin and tar making it brittle and easy to scrape off. You can also achieve this with certain fireplace cleaners or a good hot fire in the smoker. However, the gas-torch approach is the most reliable and only takes a couple of minutes.
Step 4: When the smoker is thoroughly charred, you will see the tar and resin will turn grey and crack away from the metal. Let it cool for a few minutes (or grab some gloves!), and get your scraper. You can now work around the lid and inside the smoker, scraping the charred remains clear. A flat screwdriver can help when clearing tight spots, such as deep in the spout of the smoker. The more heat you apply, the easier it is to chip away the charred remains.
Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed until the smoker is clean to your satisfaction.
Job done, a clean Beeco ready for next inspection.
You should now be able to light the smoker and maintain the smoking for as long it has fuel!
Remember: to minimise the risk of spreading disease, regularly scrape down the bellows and other exterior parts of the smoker where honey, wax, or propolis may accumulate.